of Bozen

Screen showing the Unibz Website

Arillo goes back to school

The Free University of Bolzano is a multilingual and multicultural educational institution located in northern Italy. Founded in 1997 it is ranked number one among the smaller private universities world wide.

Arillo won the pitch for the technical implementation of their new website. The design was realized by former student Amin Al Hazwani who had created a design system based on the Atomic Design principles.

Our Services

  • Front-end
  • Backend
  • Silverstripe CMS
  • Pattern Library

Visit website

Atoms and molecules

We picked up the principles of Atomic Design to create a very flexible content authoring experience for editors. They are able to combine different layout modules (organisms) to fit the content they want to display while maintaining the overall aesthetic of the site.

Developer-dreams come true

Since the project had a number of special deployment requirements we decided to leverage the great SilverStripe Platform. It removed much of the technical hassle and allowed any team member to deploy new versions to the staging or production environments.